Bdid Blog

Monday, November 07, 2005

All dressed up with nowhere to go

I've been hanging out on the couch in front of my computer all night, trying to keep my swollen knee elevated and iced. Sometimes I think my clumsiness is God's way of slowing me down every now and then. It worked tonight, anyway.

I'm finally getting around to revamping my website after almost a decade of infrequent and fairly pathetic updates. After 2 hours of fiddling around on Microsoft Frontpage, I am happy to say that I have gotten just about nowhere. And I can't help but appreciate the irony - my brother is a whiz kid computer engineer while I fumbled my way through CS 101 during my semester in Australia, riding on the coat tails of my hero in nerd-dom, Kelvin Proctor (with a name like that, he was doomed to a life of antisocial genius).

Isn't it amazing how siblings can turn out so vastly different from each other? It's the same two sets of genes combining, but I can't think of anyone who really feels like a genetic match of their sibling. It sure seems to add weight to the 'nature' side in the nurture vs. nature argument.

At any rate, here I am joining the ranks of the Blogger world at Julie's request. So I must not be THAT computer illiterate. There is hope for me yet.


At 11:20 PM, Blogger JulieBee said...

welcome to blog-land, baby! what happened to your knee?

yup, my bro and I are quite different yet very much the same at the same time. He builds houses and cars, while I sit around and talk about esoteric things with my friends. Somehow, though, having a lifetime of shared family history means we never run out of things to talk about!

At 2:53 PM, Blogger Becky said...

Thanks J! My knee had an unfortunate encounter with a rock while hiking on Sunday. That's what I get for trying to walk and chew gum at the same time. I seemed to have bruised it from the inside out, which is making bending it a difficult feat.


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