Bdid Blog

Monday, May 29, 2006


I have been training for a triathlon for 3 months now, and these days its seems like I'm always pushing myself. I'm not running fast enough, swimming far enough. Strangers pass me on bike rides, and that's not okay, because I want to be the fastest...the best. I feel like I should always be pushing myself alittle harder, sweating just alittle more.

I threw all that competition out the window this morning as I took part in one of the world's biggest races - the Bolder Boulder. I donned some mardis gras beads, a feather boa, and took to the streets with my friends (Super Girl, an 80's rock star, and a Hawaiian girl) and approximately 40,000 other runners.

Some runners take this race seriously. They train for it and give it their all - trying to beat last year's time, or at least the person next to them. But the 4 of us weren't out to beat anyone. We came in costume, laughed at ourselves, and just enjoyed being outside and running through the streets of Boulder.

It's the best training run I've had in three months worth of running.


At 11:12 PM, Blogger JulieBee said...

yay! 'nuff said.


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