Bdid Blog

Sunday, April 01, 2007

"Small" Group

I was back in Berkeley last weekend for Jenn & Jason's wedding, and had a great time catching up with old friends, marveling at all that has happened in each of our lives since I left California.

The small group I was a part of in Berkeley started almost exactly 4 years ago. We met in the "Open Door" small group at FPC Berkeley and navigated our way from shallow acquaintance to deep friendship over the course of several years. As friends moved away, we invited others to join. Now, 4 years later, only 2 of the "original" members are still a part of the group, but it continues to be a place where friendships form, burdens are shared, and the gospel is discussed.

The above picture is my favorite one from the weekend. It is a picture of almost all the members of our small group - past and present - over the last 4 years. Some of us hardly know each other, yet we are all connected in a way. My "west coast family" continues to grow! :)