Bdid Blog

Friday, December 08, 2006

Sweet Medicine

Meet Nik. We've been dating for almost 3 months now, which is nothing short of a record-breaking achievement for Miss Committment-Phobe, over here. But he's smart, he's cute, and he makes me laugh. And he's teaching me things about myself and about relationships that I never knew before. So I'm keeping him around. The following is a few of my lessons learned:

I am stubborn. (ok, I already knew this, but it's easier to deny when you're single)
Life is, in fact, more fun hand-in-hand with the top down (except in the winter).
There is very little that is worth fighting about, but there is a lot that is worth fighting for.
Sometimes it's okay to act like a girl (especially when throwing a football or wearing a red dress)

So there you have it. Happy Holidays!


At 7:01 PM, Blogger JulieBee said...

yes, you are stubborn, it is part of your charm, and part of what enabled you to survive in the Andes. And true, there is little worth fighting about, but usually when you're fighting about useless stuff it's really about something much deeper that IS important, so pay attention. Plus, it's OK to bicker once in a while just to remind yourself that real relationships can withstand disagreement and bad moods :)


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